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Sunday, August 9, 2009

Six weeks along and the slow transformation is upon us

Elise alert at six weeks

Clint and I keep saying that Elise is now slowly transforming into a baby. The first 4-5 weeks, she was more like a little machine; eat, sleep, cry, burp, dirty diapers…on repeat, and not necessarily in that order. She now exhibits all the signs of a baby in the making. She’s finally able to stare up into our eyes and really recognize us. She smiles more frequently now and is constantly alert and attentive. Each day a little something new emerges. Daddy and mommy are greatly enjoying this transformation. It has made us appreciate each fleeting moment with her, as we are quickly realizing how fast the "newborn stage" passes by. It's funny because even at a few weeks old, we keep saying she was growing too fast. But now that her growth is coupled with noticeably new development it has become exciting!

Another thing, that has been cracking me up this week, is her constant arm flailing in her sleep. Almost any sound has the potential to trigger her reflexive arm flailing. Sometimes she just does it out of nowhere. It is so funny and cute. Daddy and I get a kick out it.

Daddy has also been having some fun with baby girl by making her “dance”. He holds her upright in his arms and essentially puppeteers her to dance to different songs. It is an absolute laugh riot, and I have taken a couple baby dance videos starring little Elise. Yes, her parents have gone zany on her and I’m sure it won’t be the last time.

Her new hairline

Elise’s hair is another new topic. Her head has started to outgrow her original hairline, so now she has short lighter hair coming in on the front of her head while the back is all dark. Poor baby has what resembles a balding mans hairline. Of course this is just temporary, but it is quite funny! She has also been having her funny little "baby monkey" moments. I had to post the photo below for evidence.

Elise sleeping like a baby monkey :)

Daddy also found a bit of time this week to put together Elise’s baby jumper. Although she can’t hold her head up yet, daddy found a way to modify it so she could test it out. He put blankets behind her head and back to hold her upright, and books on the ground so she could have something to push off with her feet. It is so adorable seeing her in the jumper! She is so tiny and has a long way to go before she can touch the ground with her feet. After daddy made the necessary modifications, she was able to start pushing with her feet a tiny bit. It was thrilling for us to watch. Pretty soon, she will be bouncing around like crazy.

Testing out her new jumper