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Saturday, August 27, 2011

Adorable Alina at Two-Weeks-Old

She's already grown an inch!

Posing for photos

We love those chubby cheeks!

Alina and momma

Alina is such a great baby! I think she's cried all of about five minutes since the two weeks she's been home. She is content, easy to please, and sleeps most of the time - this probably describes the majority of newborns, but I'd like to think we just got super lucky.

Her cry sounds like a little kitten. It is a pretty mellow cry in comparison with Elise, whose cry was more like a high-pitched squeal or yell. To my surprise, she has already slept five hours a few nights this week! Right now (..and I do stress those words - because I know what to expect in the upcoming weeks) she is just so easy, and I love it!

Cute pie girl, wide awake

I've already been back to work for a week and half, and must say that so far it has been fairly easy to get back into the swing of my routine. Elise is in daycare, newborn Alina sleeps most of the day, and the fact that I work from home makes things very accomodating work-wise. The older Alina gets, the more difficult it will be, but I am determined to keep her home until she is at least six-months-old.

We've all enjoyed our time bonding as a new family of four. Elise has continued to explore the novel experience of having a baby sister. She is constantly patting her head, fetching her pacifier, laughing and giggling at Alina's funny faces and noises, notifing mommy of when nature calls with phrases like, "uh-oh, she spit", "I smell a dirty diaper", "baby sissy is crying", etc. I can always count on her to bring me a burp cloth, blanket, change of outfit, or toy. She is such a great little helper!

Alina had her first newborn checkup this week and she's doing great. She has already regained a few ounces over her birth weight and grown an entire inch! Her pediatrician commented that she looks, "healthy as can be".

Weight: 8 lbs 6 1/2 oz

Length: 21 inches

How adorable are these three?!?

Big sister Elise is so happy

Holding little Alina; I love these moments