The cuties performing at their preschool winter concert |
Alina was so excited to greet Santa, she ran to his lap
Sweet moment with Santa, she asked for "Minnie Mouse toys"
The girls had their annual preschool winter show last Friday, and we were really taken aback by how much they have grown and matured over the past two years. They both performed great in their winter concert and dance routines. Elise was up first and she sang, dance and caroled on cue, all the while flashing big smiles and plenty of proud giggles. When little Alina's toddler class took the stage, we weren't quite sure what to expect. Alina did amazing; in fact, she was the star of the show. All the other kids in her class were in tears or froze up on stage, while she followed all the moves and melted like the perfect little snowflake. Watching our sweet little star shine on stage was certainly a very proud parent moment for us. Her dance teacher even commented, "she was my only performer; she did fantastic!". I can't praise these two enough (it's my job after all), but at the same time they make it pretty easy by doing so well.
After the performances, the next big highlight of the day was meeting Santa Claus himself! In years past, the girls haven't exactly had the best track record with Santa. In their past meetings with Santa there has always been a bit of uncertainty and hesitation. This year, they embraced the opportunity to meet Santa. Alina ran right up to Santa eager to hop on his lap, and express her wishes for, "Minnie Mouse toys". She flashed some of the sweetest and most adoring expressions toward Santa. Expressions that had my heart melting, because I saw the genuine sparkle in her eyes and once again felt the pure magic of the holiday season. When it was Elise's turn to site on Santa's lap, she ran up told him she wanted, "a Disney princess castle" and had the biggest grin the entire time. She had been talking about meeting Santa for weeks, and even wrote out her very own Christmas list, which she mailed directly to Santa. The girls left school that day feeling fulfilled; Christmas is right around the corner and they both are officially basking in the spirit of the season.
Story time with Santa and their Christmas book exchange |
Elise was thrilled to meet Santa, look at that huge grin |
Watching the Little Red Riding Hood puppet show |