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Monday, June 28, 2010

For Our Little Elise - Happy First Birthday!

Happy 1st Birthday Elise!

We hope you learn to give more than want, and always push the boundaries of your imagination and dreams

We hope you love cuddling with mom and dad forever, singing and dancing to your own little beat, laughing so hard your tummy hurts, and embracing life and the people around you who positively shape it

We hope you aren't afraid to be yourself and celebrate your individuality, to take risks and jump at the chance to try something new, and to always voice your feelings and opinions

We hope you get your daddy's optimism, your mommy's sense of adventure and a mixture of both of our laughs

We hope you laugh and smile your way through all the years ahead

We hope you never forget how much we love you and what a remarkable person you are, and that you are, and always will be, at the heart of everything we do

We hope you ignore feelings of negativity or failure, because feelings like these are fleeting and new opportunities reside around every corner

We hope you become all you want to be, and realize that you can achieve any dream, no matter how high reaching

We hope you experience a love so amazing and incredible that it sweeps you off your feet eternally

We hope you believe in whatever makes you the happiest and enhances your life for the better, and that magical moments can happen anywhere and anytime 

Mommy and Daddy