Silly little Elise at 15-months-old |
Playing around and learning to pose for photos |
Bringing us her books to read |
Elise had her 15-month checkup yesterday. She is growing so fast, that it's become difficult to remember the time before she could walk or communicate. We re-watched some of her baby videos and were just astounded by how much she has changed. It's amazing to see videos of her before she was able to sit up, crawl or walk. It just seems so natural that she now runs, jumps, climbs, dances, skips, sings and talks up a storm! We are so proud of how much she's progressed, yet also grateful to have tons of wonderful video, photos and memories of that very fleeting baby stage.
Weight - 23 lbs 9oz (50 - 75th percentile)
Height - 33 inches (Above 95th percentile) Still super tall and lean :)
Her pediatrician mentioned that she should be saying about 6-10 words regularly. She was impressed to hear that Elise is well beyond that. If I had to estimate, I would say she uses about 50+ different words and phrases on a regular basis. Daddy calls her his little parrot, because she repeats back everything now! She says her words very clearly and in the sweetest little baby voice. This is the point where you have to really watch what you say. Mommy learned that well when she let a bad word slip, Elise immediately repeated it back, clear and proud, and sounded so darn cute saying it. Lesson learned, I won't be saying that again!
Story time before bed |
Elise naming all the pictures in her book |
She is now able to name almost all the items we point out in her picture books. She knows all her basic animals and the noises they make, she can identify nearly all her body parts, and her baby sign language skills are very impressive. She can already say all the words, but still uses her baby signs to make it even more clear as to what she wants.
Messy little eater with her new uneven haircut, she doesn't like to sit still; EVER! |
As far as food goes, Elise is a very unfussy eater. She is open to trying new foods and loves her fruits and vegetables. Her recent favorites are squash, avocado, yellow bell peppers, potatoes, cauliflower, tomatoes, pears, kiwis and pomegranate. I thought for sure, she would spit out the pomegranate seeds, but she ate the entire seed and absolutely loved them. While her appetite is certainly subject to variation, thankfully there are very few foods that she will refuse. She has even enjoyed some of mommy and daddy's more spicy dishes.
In related teething news, Elise now has a total of 16 teeth. She got in all her upper and lower cuspids and molars from 13 - 14 1/2 months, it's no wonder why she was so cranky for those two months! At this point, all she has left is her two upper and two lower second molars. Yay Elise you're almost there!
Smiling for daddy as usual |
One last funny tidbit about Elise at 15-months-old, is that she gets extremely upset when mommy hugs, kisses, or lays too close to HER daddy. She used to just cry when it happened, now she has resorted to pushing mommy's hand away from daddy. She even said, very matter of fact, "my daddy". Yep, she definitely has daddy wrapped around her finger, and we both can't stop laughing at her possessive antics around her daddy.