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Saturday, April 7, 2012

Seven Month Milestones; Crawling & Talking!

Our baby crawler! - Photos by Christy Leopold

Apparently seven-months is a golden age for baby Alina, because she has hit many HUGE milestones all within this month. She is now officially crawling! On March 26th, at seven-months-three-weeks-old, she crawled all the way down the hallway into my arms; the furthest she has gone yet. She was so proud of herself, almost as proud as her beaming mama :) She has also learned to pull herself up to stand. She usually does this when playing at her little activity table. This toy used to be Elise's favorite and it is proving its worth yet again in keeping Alina entertained for hours.

Little doll in mama's arms; her favorite place to be

Kisses for my sweet baby girl

Another huge milestone is that baby Alina recently said her first word!!! Much to my chagrin, her first word is; "MAMA". I've been celebrating this for days upon end, and of course rubbing it in dad's face. Elise's first word was, "dada", so this is very exciting that I've got a sweet little mama's girl in the making. She said it three times while in her crib, I picked her up each time to reward her with kisses. As you can imagine, it was the absolute sweetest moment.

Cheese! Showing off her new top teeth

Alina's top two teeth are now poking through. So she officially has 4 teeth before hitting the eight-month mark. She was extra fussy and drooly over the past few weeks, so we anticipated that those top two chompers were coming through. We have been feeding her more baby food as all she wants to do is chew. She loves steamed veggies and fresh fruit. Broccoli, baby carrots, bananas, raspberries and blueberries are her current favorites. She also eats baby rice puffs like they're going out of style. I started supplementing with formula right around seven-and-a-half-months as she just started daycare three days a week. I pump during the days I go to work, so she only needs to be supplemented for one feeding. In addition to nursing morning, afternoon and evening, she has one formula bottle per day plus breakfast, lunch and dinner foods. She's a content little girl and a great eater thus far, however, she does make the funniest sourpuss face when you give her something new to try. Usually she stops making the sourpuss face after acclimating to the first couple bites, unless she really dislikes something (ahem peas and brown rice).

Muah, looking for hugs and kisses :)

We are so proud of our little seven-month-old doll. She has come a long way in just a few short months, and has us pondering what new milestones she will reach before her first birthday. We love you beautiful baby Alina!

Baby Alina doll at seven-months-old