Spring love 2012 |
Summer days 2012 |
I spent the first day of the New Year looking back on some of our old blog posts and photos from 2012, and as always they got me smiling and feeling that immediate creeping nostalgia that sets in at the end of a wonderful year. The years seems to fly by far quicker now that we have the girls growth and development as our central basis for gauging time. We realize that we no longer speak in years, but rather milestones. Instead of 2012, we often refer to things, "around the time Alina learned to walk"/"say her first word" or "when Elise wrote her name for the first time"/"rode her bike without needing a push from us to get her started". It's this change in thinking that sums us the depth of love and family. I won't miss thinking in years, because milestones are so much more meaningful and the best part is knowing that our girls will continue to grow, develop and transcend beyond our expectations. We are grateful for all their huge accomplishments last year, and so proud of the sweet little girls they are turning out to be. We look forward to all the great things to come in 2013. Happy New Year!
Fall memories 2012 |
Winter fun 2012 |