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Happy 2nd Birthday Sweet Alina! Photo by: Memories By Michelle |
Happy 2nd Birthday to our littlest sweetheart, Alina! While it's hard believe you are a big two-year-old now, you will always be our tiny baby doll at heart. It feels like it was just yesterday, but since the moment you were born, you have brought immeasurable joy to our lives. You are the sweetest little girl, and never fail to put a smile on the faces of those around you. Your kind spirit and demeanor have been such a welcome addition to our family, and we have relished in these first two years spent with you. Daddy and I feel so fortunate to be your parents, and to get the opportunity to care for you and shower you with our love and affection.
At two-years-old, you are becoming a very grown up and independent little girl. You are talking quite a bit now. You love to sing your ABCs and deliver cute one-liners that keep mom and dad laughing. You also love to do things yourself, and are very vocal in expressing this desire. "I do it myself", along with, "I don't like that", are some of your more common declarations of independence. Those two phrases aside, you really are the most gentle soul who loves giving hugs and kisses, and comforting those that are down with your sweet pat on the shoulder and kiss on the cheek. You are such a little sweetheart. You are extremely generous and enjoy showering others with your affection. You love to play mini-mom and your baby dolls can attest to that. You take the best care of them and enjoy getting to feed, dress, and comfort them. You put all your babies to bed every night and pat them on the back until they fall asleep. It is the sweetest thing to watch.
While you are super sweet, easy-going, and rarely fuss about a thing, you do have one obsession and don't allow anyone to come between it; Mickey Mouse. Nobody is allowed to interrupt you when Mickey Mouse Clubhouse is on because that's serious business! In fact, you now sit with your two Mickey stuffed animals side-by-side while watching the show. None of us dare move your Mickeys or turn off your show until it is completely finished. This is about the only thing that upsets you. We've all learned not to try and compete with Mickey; he always wins.
Another huge part of your personality is your courage and fearlessness. You are a little thrillseeker; so brave and tough that it often has mom and dad in disbelief. When you fall you get right back up and barely miss a beat. You are always wanting to try new things and refuse to accept being "too little" as an answer. You have already learned to swim, ride your tricycle, ride big sister's two wheel scooter, do somersaults, and climb, climb, climb! You have been a climber since you could walk, and it never ceases to amaze the things you can scale. It actually makes mom and dad nervous, but this is all part of your incredible determination and drive. You want to keep up with big sister 100%, and we'd have to say that you are doing extremely well at it.
You make us so proud with your energetic and fun-loving little spirit. You love to sing, dance and get lost in fits of laughter. You have an amazing little singing voice, and some great dance moves! Your laugh lights up an entire room, it is so infectious and your genuine happiness radiates to those around you. You are almost always smiling, and you keep us smiling right beside you. We love your positive energy; you will always be our eternal optimistic. Everything about you is joyous and kind. Sweet Alina, we look forward to watching you grow, and seeing more of your adorable personality emerge. We love you so much precious birthday girl!
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The sweet and playful birthday girl Photo by: Memories By Michelle |