Winter-Early Spring Blossoming 2013 |
Spring Fun 2013 |
Yet another year has come to a close, and while we did have some very fun memories throughout this year, I do have to admit that 2013 was a tough one to navigate. All of us were extremely sick with severe colds and flus from January through May, no joke. The viruses were relentless this year and not only took a toll on our physical health, but also our mental well being. We also had to make a couple ER visits, which is never a place anyone wants to be. As a parent, I felt completely out of control and I suffered considerable depression stemming from all of us being so ill for so long.
Despite such hardships, I am able to look back now and appreciate the fact that we are all tough, and made it through such an intense set of circumstances. Sometimes you need to just STOP and put things in perspective, there are millions of people who endure far more difficult circumstances on a daily basis. I admire those people and realize many of them have suffered unspeakable losses and still continue to be strong for their loved ones. Whenever I start to focus or fixate on the difficulties I'm having, I have to mentally check myself because it isn't good to wallow in "why me" scenarios. I have a wonderful family, whom I love more than anything in this world. Setbacks will happen, such is life, but finding the light and goodness through the dark days is the support role that family fills.
Looking back on 2013, I refuse to think in terms of setbacks and instead focus on the positive experiences. Our family bonds were innumerably strengthened. There is a very deep kind of appreciation you feel for one another when seeing how that person faces adversity. In my case, it was my girls who showed me the true definition of being tough. Through being intensely ill, they still managed to smile and stay positive. I have a tendency to immediately conjure worst case scenarios, whereas they were little rays of optimism professing their intentions of playing outdoors and eating their favorite foods once they recovered. Being around such positivity helped me tremendously.
Looking through the photos I gathered from 2013, I realize that the good times far outweighed the bad. There were more smiles and moments of joy, than there were tears and pain. I see two very lucky parents with a couple of the most precious little daughters imaginable. They are our world, our love, our life. 2013 was a good year, because despite setbacks, family always finds a way to bring out the best in each other.
Summer Love 2013 |
Fall & Winter Joys 2013 |