Elise at Five Years Old! |
Happy 5th birthday to our lovely little Elise! We are so proud of our smart and feisty yet loving little girl. She has more will and determination than we could have ever imagined. She is driven to succeed and do well in life and we are so thankful for her determined little spirit. She's had her own opinion since before she could talk and her dream at five-years-old is to grow up and become an artist. She loves preschool and all of her school friends. Her best preschool friend is Halynne and she tells us many stories of all the adventures that they have at recess. Ms. Maria, her teacher, is her favorite person in the world right now and she gives her a nice long hug every single day after school. She loves to read, draw, swim, and ride her bike. She just learned how to swim underwater and it was one of her proudest moments. She is a very adventurous eater. She will try anything you put on her plate and she especially loves her cauliflower, broccoli, avocado, tomatoes, bell peppers, eggs, bananas and watermelon. Her favorite thing to do on weekends, aside from bike rides, is to go on day trips, and travel to new places. She has so much energy and thrives on those full busy days where we just go, go, go. She's usually the last to tire out on a busy day, and yes, she still fights sleep, but it has gotten much better. She's become a big helper around the house too. She loves to help dust, sweep and put away her laundry. She also loves to help mom out in the kitchen cooking up new recipes. She is such a joy to have around and we are so proud of all the milestones that she has accomplished in the last year. Happy birthday sweet Elise!
Celebrating her birthday at John's Incredible Pizza |