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Friday, July 2, 2010

12-month growth stats

Our one-year-old

Elise had her 12-month checkup this afternoon. She is growing well and healthy as can be.

Weight - 21 lbs 14oz (50 - 75th percentile)
Height - 31.5 inches (Above the 95th percentile) She is a tall girl - evidenced by the fact she is already able to reach and open doors in our house!

Her pediatrician was impressed that she is walking and already saying five distinct words; "mama, dada, baba, cat and up". She uses these words all the time now.  She will also repeat back words and sounds we say to her.

A bit camera shy while practicing her words

She got her 12-month immunizations and all went well. After administering the shots, the nurse asked if she could give her a sugar free lollypop. She was upset and crying, so I said yes. The second she was given that lollypop, she was grinning ear-to-ear once again. I tried taking it out of her hands, for just a second, and she let out the biggest scream I've ever heard. Lesson learned, don't try and take candy out of the hands of an upset baby.

Teething and upset we took away the stamp she discovered

In teething news, Elise's first molar just came through, which explains why she was extra cranky for the past few days! She now has nine teeth total.