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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Happy 2nd Birthday Elise!


Two years ago today, mommy and daddy met and held you in our arms for the very first time. We stared into your eyes and cried tears of joy at seeing the tiny and perfect little life we created.  We marveled at each precious moment we spent with you; your fragile beauty, your full head of hair, your little feet and toes, your sweet disposition. In those very first moments with you, we didn't think about the weeks, months or years ahead; we just reveled in the remarkable yet fleeting newborn stage.

Over the course of your first year, time went by slowly and the build up to each new milestone had us on edge, reeling with excitement. We cheered you on for your first smile, laugh, wave and steps toward sitting up, standing, crawling and walking. We were left in awe of everything you accomplished and how much you redefined our original perception of love and happiness.  You were the happiest and most content little baby; a constant joy to be around.

In your next year of life, time suddenly began to dash right by us. You grew and matured more than we ever could have  imagined. You transformed from a baby to a full-fledged toddler. Your adorable personality began to shine through and you became quite the little chatterbox. Like most toddlers, you wore your emotions on your sleeve and strove to express yourself.

Now you are two-years-old, and we see a little girl in front of us. A beautiful, thoughtful, loving, opinionated, independent and extremely intelligent little girl. A little girl who smiles and laughs all the time, who cuddles and will always tell us she wants a hug, who comforts mommy and daddy when they seem down, who is passionately curious about the entire world around her and wants to emulate everything we do - just so long as she is able to do it herself ;). A little girl that is so incredibly special and makes her parents proud everyday.

Happy 2nd Birthday Elise!


Mommy and Daddy