Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Week three - We are now officially living to serve the baby!

Daddy rivaling baby

This week, has been considerably more challenging than the last two. Elise wants to eat more frequently now and every time she wakes up, she’s smacking her mouth ready to eat. The look on her face is pure comedic gold. She opens her mouth as wide as she can, smacks together her lips and tongue, and often times she even goes cross eyed. Clint and I came up with the only accurate term to describe it; “ravenous”. The one rule is to never keep her in that state for too long otherwise she will lunge out at any skin presented. Clint found out the hard way after she suctioned on to his arm. I think he has a newfound sympathy for me after that experience. Clint finds it amusing to bring her over to me and plop her into my lap saying, “Here you go she’s ravenous again”. Of course I laugh, yet can’t help but feel exhausted as she is hungry all the time. I feel like all I do, for the majority of the day, is feed her, and it is probably pretty accurate.

One of the most valuable baby shower gifts I received, is the baby timer that I keep connected to my hip. I time her feedings, sleep schedule and diaper changes. I think I would probably go mad without it. Thank goodness for the little things in life right? Anyway, I feel like a machine at the moment. I function to attend to her needs only, which is great but she still isn’t interactive yet so I don’t get much in return. Of course I knew it would be like this in the beginning, but it has me yearning for her to be able to look into my eyes, smile, grab my hand, laugh or really just anything to acknowledge my existence. Ok that’s enough venting, I just looked at her precious little face again and I‘m back under her spell.

Holding mommy under her spell

So far mom and dad’s favorite thing over the past few weeks has been bonding with baby girl by letting her sleep on our chest. This is especially daddy’s favorite. He says when Elise sleeps on his chest, with her arms holding him, he feels as if he’s getting a two hour long hug. One of my favorite things is when I walk into the room and see them both asleep in each other’s arms. There is something undeniably perfect about seeing a father hold his baby in his arms, but when it’s your own watch out, because it is overwhelmingly wonderful!

Daddy has also got a kick out of calling Elise his little “cave baby”. When we set her in her baby swing her face and chubby cheeks squish down into her neck and body and she looks just like a little cave mans baby. It is the cutest sight to see. She is our chubby little doll.

Daddy makes a great bed for Elise and Link